Quirico P. Luga...

This blogsite is dedicated to restore a lost heritage... It is also a repository of documents, facts and other valuable information that aims to once and for all shed light about the real story behind the Luga Intestate Estate and about the Luga Heritage of Davao particularly of Quirico P. Luga in relation to the rest of the Luga Clan of the Philippines.

We aim to strengthen the roots of the new generation of Luga children... and their childrens' children, by establishing this virtual heritage site as their back board and hopefully, raise up their dignity as a Luga descendant.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Comissioners Memo #1

This is the Ice Breaker!

It's just a memo to invite all the heirs to attend a meeting with the Commissioner... the one appointed by the court... the one who swore to do her duties on the Bible in front of the Judge.

I have come to the point of exasperated burn out situation already.

I have felt that this Heritage is no longer worth fighting for.

I have cut my ties with the younger siblings of my father from the same mother.

I was boxed to think in a manner that contradicts my duties to uphold my fathers welfare, wellbeing and best interest.

But I was wide awake the whole time.

To those who are concerned and offended... Mind you... there is absolutely nothing personal to this.

Just doing my job.

The Job was unfinished by Quirico in his lifetime.

It was also half baked during my fathers turn...

I intend to get this done and over with immediately.

The Spirit, the Father and the Son.... We are a trinity... and I need to finish the job right here... right now.

Whether you like it or else...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Victor Laguesma have a secret?

This is what I have accidentally stumbled upon...

Anyone can shed light on this?

I know that the Gov. Generoso Mahal property was part of Quirico Luga estate properties...

Why all of a sudden, nobody talks about this now?

Here's the find I stumble upon in cyberspace...

Copy pasted it... I can't get rid of the google ads... but you may try clicking this link for the original source.


035 Amhersia St. Nova Tierra, Davao City
89 Hagimit St. Nova Tierra, Davao City
Acacia, Upper Tibanban, Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental
This is the last and final demand.
You are required to surrender the certificates of title to the parcels of land which our mother
left us, so that we will be able execute the proper document for the transfer of the shares to our other
siblings. You are also required to surrender the corresponding amount of money constituting the shares
to the harvest of the crops of the land and the receipts and accounting of the crops and proceeds.
Deliver the notice of transfer of possession, money and documents to Stela Luga at Acacia.
Your failure to respond to this letter within five (5) days will leave us no choice but to take this
matter to the proper authorities.
Davao City, Philippines, March 2, 2008.
Nieva Villareal Luga Javier
Estela Villareal Luga

Lupon Part 1