Quirico P. Luga...

This blogsite is dedicated to restore a lost heritage... It is also a repository of documents, facts and other valuable information that aims to once and for all shed light about the real story behind the Luga Intestate Estate and about the Luga Heritage of Davao particularly of Quirico P. Luga in relation to the rest of the Luga Clan of the Philippines.

We aim to strengthen the roots of the new generation of Luga children... and their childrens' children, by establishing this virtual heritage site as their back board and hopefully, raise up their dignity as a Luga descendant.


Quirico P. Luga

Rebecca Luga, Enrico Luga and Enrique Luga, 1967-1968

Quirico and Alberta joint Birthday and Wedding celebration June 16, 1965

Magdalena Petalcorin Luga and the 5 Luga Brothers

Pres. Garcia and Quirico Luga having some light moments.

Lupon Part 1